Sunday, August 29, 2010

Wheww what a day!!

I guess Gma and Gpa wore him out this weekend....I had just tucked him in again and thought he was sleeping IN HIS BED!! Walked around the corner to head to my bedroom and found him passed out just like this....LOL too tired to make it up the stairs!!!

Bye-Bye Training Wheels

While at Gma & Gpa's this weekend Shaylon decided that she wanted her training wheels to come off her new bike!....Gma didnt think maybe this was a good idea just yet but Ms Persistance thought different and here she goes...........................

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Shaylon racin with Daddy...I love the expression on her face!!!....So happy she is winning!!

Shootin up those "bad guys"



Shaylon and her cake she made for Daddy's Bday

Bday paddle boating

Gettin sleepy!

SiLlY dAys WiTh MoMmY!!!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010