Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Shaylon's version of Thriller

We were in Shopko after dance on Wed night and Shaylon started break dancin in the store her version of Thriller.......I was laughing so hard!!!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

1st Homework Assignment

Shaylon had her very 1st homework assignment! So mommy made her a little "homework" station upstairs. So we got a new desk lamp and pencil holder for her new desk. She loved it! She finishes her homework and says she wants to do more!! So we have been writing in a journal to "pretend" its more homework!! Shes gettin to be such a BIG girl!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

1st day of Dance & Gymnastics in Q'town

Crowder wedding

1st Full day of Pre-K

Hanging up his backpack!

Carter had his first full day at Pre-K and LOVED it!!! He walked outside and said "mommy i LOVE my new school" and well he hasnt really stopped talking since:) I think its gonna be a great year!!!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Ready 4 Bears football!!!

Bike Trail

This was the kids educational lesson for the day. I was trying to explain to them a group of fish like this was called a "School of Fish" .....Well they had 1000 questions and didnt quite understand. Shaylon thought they had school just like she did!...Oh it was a looong walk back with all the questions!
Lookin for frogs

Snow Cone Hut

Miss Independent thinking she has to order herself!

This is one of our favorite places to go in Quincy. The snow cone hut!!

LaZy SuNdAyS GoInG BoNkErS

He thinks he needs one of these!!..Haha....I dont think so!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010