Saturday, October 30, 2010

More halloween Fun!!

He was so proud!

Look what i found in the closet!!!!!

spider cake...kiddos did such a good job helping BUT...VERY VERY messy!!!

Jack-O-Latern Pizza for lunch!!!!



Body Part ice cubes!!..Eyeballs, fingers, teeth....OH MY!!!!

Our Halloween Breakfast

I made the kids a special Halloween breakfast this morning which included Spider web, Spider, and ghost pancakes! They thought they were so cool!!! Got lots more fun things planned for the rest of the weekend!!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Halloween Carnival

Shaylon taking a horse back ride

Carter & mommy taking a ride

Cool Dude!

Shaylon making sand art.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The kids are Loving having mommy home on weekends!!

Edgewood Apple orchard! They have the most amazing Apple cider slushes here!! The kids had alot of fun!

The Bufffalo

Carter is cracking up at a quite funny thing that happened....but we wont talk about that!! HAHA

Watching the Quincy Color festival parade

Shaylon at the orchard

Fall Pictures

This is one of my favorites!

Having fun!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Deer Farm- Veterans Home and feeding the ducks at South Park

He was soooooo love!

Feeding the ducks

Lollipop Plus Pre-K Field trip to Mill Creek Farms

Hay Ride
Of course Carter has to think he is Spiderman during the pictures!

Found my gourd Mommy!!

All the kids were so into this lady's pumpkin was so cute to watch all of them be so excited!

I love this picture!!!......Lollipop Plus Preschool

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Carter's 1st Friend Bday Party at Bonkers

Carter and his sidekick at Pre school....Brody

The whole gang

Evan, Carter, and Lexi

Playin games!