Sunday, January 9, 2011

Shaylon's Bday Slumber Party

Being silly
Mani & Pedi's!!!...A girls dream!!!!

Awesome American Girl cake by cousin Jayme!!

Bumber Cars @ Scotties Skateland!


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas Vacation in Denver, CO

Family photo in front of the City and the moutains!

The beautiful snowy mountains of Colorado!!!

Shaylon's 7th Bday

She got the 1 AND ONLY thing she wanted for Xmas and didnt get.....A Nintendo DSi

Make a wish!!!

The cake

The Denver Bass Pro Shop

Carter and Daddy checking out the 4-wheelers...they think they need one! HA YEAH RIGHT!!!

The Denver Zoo

Family photo at the Zoo lights
Carter and Jack stop to pose for a picture by the Rino

Shaylon Dancing to the Christmas music

All smiles!!!

Pretty girl!

Daddy and Carter

This thing scared Gma to death, she thought it was real!

Cutie Pie

Mommy being silly in the Zoo Store

Hanging out at Uncle Jason's and Aunt Dee's

Mom playing Catch Phrase.....was a quite interesting game!!
These 2 thinking they are usual!

Sneaky Pete patiently waiting

The boys

Bailey loved Greg and I think its becuz Greg likes to sleep just as much as she does!!!!!

The boys eating breakfast

2 Peas in a Pod!!!!

Gpa and Carter passed out!!

Silly faces

Watching a movie on Aunt Dee's mini TV

Butterfly House in Denver, CO

YES I actually did this!!!...NEVER again though, I went to the grocery store the other night and didnt want to even pick up Kiwi because it reminded me of this things body...ughhh!!!
Patiently waiting for a Butterfly to land on her

Shaylon and Mommy

Jack watching the Butterflies

Shaylon touching (and not suppose to be) the huge butterfly

Petting the Star Fish

I still CANNOT believe he did this. When the guy first took this spider out Carter ran off crying and was scared to death then after Daddy, Mommy, and Sissy held it well then of course he had to!!!

Big girl!! She cant wait to take this picture and the T-Shirt she got (which reads "I held Rosie") to Show-N-Tell at school!!!!


Christmas 2010

Shaylon dressed up in her Christmas Dress for her school program but she had to miss out this year because she got sick right before:(
Carter bug opening up his stocking stuffers

The one thing he REALLY wanted Santa to bring him

SANTA CAME!!!!!.........(santa was apparently sleeping AGAIN this year!!!)