Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Shaylon's Bday Celebration day with Mom & Dad

This is our ScArEd faces becuz we were SCARED!!!!!

Ferris Wheel...AGAIN!

Shaylon and Daddy naming her bear....MEGAN!



Cowgirl at Texas Roadhouse

Daddy's girl, cant deny it:(

Singing to the Bday girl at Texas Roadhouse

Riding the Ferris wheel at Scheel's for the 2nd time that day!!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Pictures Galore!!!!

Paying a visit to Santa

Happy girl

Our family Picture

Our Christmas Card pic and

Bray bear with her new stocking

Chunky monkey

Her Chritmas Bloomer:)

The most Adorable Pic EVER!!! So cute it even made the news:)


2nd grade Christmas program

Aunt Jennifer with Braylee

Mommy and Jack!!

Daddy's girl

Pretty girl!!

Mommy and her babies!!

Nana and Shaylon after the Christmas program at Tower

All ready to sing!!....Oh and OMG how cute are they?!?!?!

Papa and Carter at Tower

Handsome boy!

More Christmas Fun

Dec 1 is when our Elf on the Shelf joined the family and his name is.....ELFIE!!!!

This was Elfie being silly one morning hanging from the dining room lights

Our Christmas Pankcakes with snow (powered sugar)!!!!!

Carter with his gingerbread house

Shaylon with her house

Carter at his Kindergarten Polar Express PJ party at school!

Mommy cutie pie Christmas morning at Gpa Joe's

Shaylon decorating cookies at her school party

Carter bug with his present from Papa Joe

Braylee wanted to help mommy cook Christmas dinner and since mommy cant ever lay her down this is what we had to do!!!!!!!!


SANTA CAME.......SANTA CAME..............SANTA CAME!!!!!!

Carter with his Batman toys


Mickey Mouse

Braylee and Mommy Christmas morning!! My sweet girl's 1st Christmas:)

Shaylon and mommy Christmas morning........4AM:)

Braylee with some of her presents from Santa

Carter bug with some of his presents from Santa

Carter and Daddy Chritmas morning

Shaylon and her presents from Santa