Monday, November 28, 2011

Braylee's 1st Professional Photos

Future Ballernia!

All dressed up!

She did so good for her pictures!! SK photography is going to do her pictures throughout her 1st year!!!!!

Christmas Pictures for our Xmas cards

This one was the winner for our Christmas card!! They turned out adorable!!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Turkey Day

Ryder & Braylee the 2 chunky monkeys!!!

Aunt Kenzie & Ryder

Triple trouble!!!

Carter & Ryder!

Great Gpa Joey with all his GREAT grandbabies

Archie Goewey, Jack Renfro, Carter Sargent, Braylee Sargent, Shaylon Sargent, & Ryder Crowder! (And soon to come Baby Rinehart)

Carter & Daddy

Jack & Archie having a blast!

Shaylon entertaining the little ones!

Braylee's Turkey Day shirt!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Tis the Season

We got our tree a little early this year because the excitment in everyone was growing!!! We got a 8 1/2 foot (about 9 foot with stand) Douglas fir tree and it is the best and biggest(thanks to the vaulted high ceilings) tree we have ever had. I just love it!! We spent our Sunday decorating the house and listening to Christmas tunes now all we need to for Santa to find least we HOPE so, not sure everyone has been on their BEST behavior! Maybe he slept most the year like last year:)

The NICU nurses had given Braylee the nickname "Peanut" because she was so tiny, so when I seen this I HAD to get it for her first ornament!!! How perfect!

The Star

The finished product....stockings and all!!!

The view from the balony...beautiful!!!

Decorating begins!!

This is how rednecks get a tree home!! Greg held onto the top out the sunroof!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Kindergarten Thanksgiving Feast

Carter and all his school buddies!!!

Yummy Turkey dinner made my Mrs.Quincy and the Mommies!!

For some reason we cannot make it through a school day without coming home with marker on his body somewhere and his clothes, have no clue why....humm maybe cuz he is a boy!!! Thank goodness for washable markers:)

The "Thankful" circle.....When asked what Carter was thankful for he said....."My family"....thats my sweet baby boy!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Some of our fun times from this summer!

Monster Jam

She is so cool:)

First time fishing and they did so good, with catching them that is they did not want to bait the hooks and neither did Daddy so guess who HAD to.....Yep mommy!!!

One of our many days at Indian Mounds Swimming Pool!

YMCA T-ball leauge

Fun times in November

Carter playing his new Batman game!!!

Dressed up for Veteran's day!!! Happy Veterans day Daddy!!!

Went on a shopping trip with Baby Ryder as you can tell they were both real thrilled:)

Carter and Mommy at the Magic Show!!

Bday Party time!!!


Jack, Carter, and Shaylon trick or treating at their 1st house!!!!

Carter had the winning guess of how many candy corns were in the jar so he won it at his party....YAY for mom!!

Shaylon at her Halloween Party at school

Braylee dressed up as the "Good witch"!!!

Shaylon dressed up as a vampire and Carter was Batman

Greg the "Cowboy" LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

Carter at his Halloween school party!!

Getting ready to go trick or treating!! Jack was dressed as a Cowboy!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My daily adventures with Mommy

First trip to the park!!!!!Crazy November weather!!!

Bath Time

Watching Dorab while getting dressed

Laughing at the fan:)....silly girl