Right after her exchange transfusion. She was such a strong baby girl!

Sleeping beauty!

Tears of joy!!

My heart was breaking in 2 pieces for this sweet little girl. This was the most scare time of my life waiting in that waiting room during this procedure. Kleenex's...yeah right they gave me a burp rag to use because the tears would just not stop rolling, but VERY thankful for our support system that day I couldnt have done it without everyone's calls, text, prayers, and most of all presence during this roller coaster ride! Braylee did awesome during her exchange, the nurse that came out to give an update said she had sleept throught the entire thing so far!! We were able to go back to the NICU shortly after they got done and finally hold her after the 15 min vitals were taken........what a relief!!!! Then another hurdle to get over....waiting for the lab work to come back that night! I was on pins and needles waiting to hear the resutls......6pm came and went.....645 THEY ARE BACK AND HAVE DOUBLED!!!!!!!!!! This was the BEST news we had heard during these long days, weeks in the hospital! The procedure was successful....A BLOOD DONOR SAVED HER LIFE!!!!

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